August 2021 Club Meeting
We’re back from Summer break with a presentation on the Daylily Rust Database that Don Heiskell has spent months cataloging and developing.
Daylily rust is a fungal pathogen that attacks daylilies and is caused by the fungus Puccinia hemerocallidis - it affects the leaves and scapes. It is not a new disease of daylilies, having been reported previously in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Russia (Sakhalin, Kuriles and Siberia*). Unfortunately, the disease has now arrived in North America, and was first identified in the southeastern United States in August 2000. In nature, the main method of rust spread is by wind borne spores.
We hope you can join us for this informative talk.
New members always welcome!
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Refreshments are served at 6:45pm and our meetings begin at 7:00pm.